The pictures of Vinitaly 2013
This year has been a great Vinitaly, I went back satisfied and it was nice meet clients and friends.
Here are some pictures of the beautiful moments that I could photograph:
Grazie a tutti
Top 5 Brunello di Montalcino
Su Swide, scritto da Chiara Giovoni:
Luciano Ciolfi is a young producer with a relatively recent history, given that his first harvest on his own was that of 2003. Yet his is a genuine and instinctive Brunello, a frank wine of innate refinement, which tells much of the craft of who produces it, and this consonance comes as no surprise given that Luciano’s work in the vineyard is constant, maniacal to the point of knowing the details of the performance of each single vine and selecting only the best grapes at each harvest. Luciano chose the name of the Brunello to honour his grandfather, who taught him the secrets of the soil of Montalcino from the time he was a child. The Sanlorenzo farm is situated on the south-west slopes 500 metres above sea level, on the crest of the hills where the vineyards are called “the four princesses”: light, awakening, Bramante and Lorenzo, the youngest. The “princess of Bramante” is the oldest and smallest of the vineyards, producing only Brunello di Montalcino, but it is a vineyard that is full of memories, which it brings with it at every harvest. Luciano says that it is the soil, not even the vines, that makes most of the wine, even if the attentive winemaker knows what to look for among those branches from the day of pruning up to harvesting. Bramante is a precise Brunello that is full of freshness, with a surprising, alive and vibrant enjoyment and a regenerating finale of red currants, white pepper, rhubarb with an ending of orange and herbs. Vital.
Luca Gardini speaks of Brunello
Luca Gardini, world champion sommelier in 2010, wrote an article on the Gazzetta dello Sport where he speaks of the tasting made Benvenuto Brunello 2013. Presents what he thinks are the top 5 Brunello di Montalcino 2008 and Riserva 2007. The Brunello di Montalcino 2008 Bramante is in third place with 92/100 behind Biondi Santi with 94/100 and Mastroljanni vineyard Loreto tied Il Poggione with 93/100. In particular says : “….. il Sanlorenzo ha una bellissima sapidità….”, THANKS LUCA
tratto dalla Gazzetta dello Sport del 1 marzo 2013
Vinitaly 2013
Sanlorenzo awaits you at Vinitaly to be held in Verona from April 7 to 10, our stand is located at number 64 of the Consorzio del Vino Brunello di Montalcino in Hall 8 (Tuscany) B8 sector.
Will be presented the following wines:
-Brunello di Montalcino Bramante 2008
-Brunello di Montalcino Bramante Riserva 2007
-Rosso di Montalcino 2010
Will also tasting some vintages old in particular the Brunello di Montalcino Bramante 2005 and 2006.
Throughout the Vinitaly you can follow the updates on our Twitter o Facebook
Here are some pictures of the past years:
Benvenuto Brunello 2013
Invito Benvenuto Brunello 2013
Dal 23 al 25 febbraio si svolgerà a Montalcino Benvenuto Brunello ovvero l’anteprima delle nuove annate dei vini di Montalcino.
Sanlorenzo presenterà :
Brunello di Montalcino Bramante 2008
Brunello di Montalcino Bramante Riserva 2007
Rosso di Montalcino 2010
L’evento che si svolgerà nel cuore del paese è un’occasione unica per assaggiare i vini di oltre 130 aziende, il programma prevede che i primi due giorni sia aperto solo ai giornalisti mentre la domenica e il lunedì sarà aperto al pubblico ma per l’ingresso è necessario avere un invito come questo sopra.
Per arrivare a Benvenuto Brunello
Ne avevo scritto qui https://www.vinix.com/myDocDetail.php?ID=3701
Ne parlano anche :
Qualcosa degli anni passati:
5 stars for vintage 2012
Today, with the laying of the tiles celebrating the 2012 harvest has been provided with 5 star on a scale of 1 to 5 give this year the top award.
Great satisfaction for friends Osteria Brunello this year were awarded with the Leccio d’Oro
The Osteria Brunello (www.osteriabrunello.it) lies in the heart of the Milanese ‘movida’ in the pedestrian area of Corso Garibaldi. The dishes offer the best traditional Tuscan cuisine, with a clear Sienese imprint together with a few Lombardy dishes such as “guest of honour”. The wine list is very widespread and offers a national panorama, with special attention to the great Tuscan reds and to the Brunellos.
Podere Sanlorenzo, 280
53024 Montalcino (Siena) Italy
Mob. +39 339 6070930
Email: info@poderesanlorenzo.net
Skype: luciano.ciolfi
PEC sanlorenzomontalcino@pec.it