2021 Harvest

The 2021 vintage was characterised by drought during the summer months. After the abundant winter rains, there was no rain until autumn.

Thanks to a warm end of winter, the vines sprouted early, in mid-March, only to be forced to a sudden halt at the beginning of April due to a cold wave that created quite a few problems in some areas, but fortunately, we were spared.

June and July were mild and not too hot, favouring the growth of the vines and grapes without any problems. August saw a few heat waves that highlighted the lack of rain, but the vines held up quite well.

The harvest began normally, at the beginning of August, and closed around the 25th. Unfortunately, we were hit by an intense hailstorm on the 23rd of August, which destroyed most of the leaves and some of the grapes.

Fortunately, after this rain and hail, the weather remained fine until harvest time, allowing the affected grapes to dry out and not to mould, and the healthy grapes to complete ripening.
Harvest 7 and 8 October, little production but of excellent quality.

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